Discover the financial education project ANGLE

Since September 2020 CeRP has been leading a new project on financial education.

The main objective of the project "A network game for life- cycle education" (ANGLE), funded by the Erasmus + programme of the EU, is to promote and enhance younger generations’ FL, adopting a life-cycle perspective to help the young to consider a long time horizon and to think about the future consequences of their decisions.
ANGLE focuses on ways in which knowledge can be acquired by using innovative technologies of education, such as games and on-line tools that allow learning through active involvement and participation.

The project partners are: ETLA Economic Research; National Institute for Family Finance Information (Nibud); Palermo Urban Solutions Hub (PUSH); SGH-Warsaw School of Economics; ST Skills Together Srls; Tilburg University; Université Paris Dauphine.

Learn more about the project at: